Drew Haynes


Hi – I am Drew Haynes.

I am whoever God called me to be during that particular and specific season. I am grateful for the multitude of functions and purposes I have served, seasons past, and the strategic positioning for future endeavors. Identity has always perplexed me. I am aware of and appreciative of the limitations my humanity affords me. 

As for others' observations of me, I am quiet and competent in work environments; delicate and deliberate in my creative practices and virile in preordained crusades. 

As for how I see myself, I am the hottest (Wayne echo) under the sun; the more disciplined version of MC Lite’s Georgie, without the addictions nor the tragic demise, and a diligent moment creator, celebrator, and protector. 

I have served as a comforter to my elders, protector for my community, confidante to many, persistent dream-encourager, prudent helpmate, and invested lover. I am proudest of my roles as creator, house manager, executive producer, and artistic director. 

My fine art disciplines include graphite, poetry, oils, print-making, and mixed media collage. 

I am in awe of my creator, and consequently, I create.

Song References
I'm Me - Lil Wayne
Poor Georgie - MC Lite